In the Farewell Experience, our focus is to ensure an employee’s exit is graceful and honors their time and commitment while at Boise State.
Visit our End of Employment webpage for more information.
Farewell Employee Services
We are now offering Farewell Services with the intent of assisting employees in their transition leaving the university.
Career Support
- Brainstorm career objectives
- Resume and cover letter review and guidance
- Job search best practices
- Interview techniques for success
Retirement Options
- Retirement consultations
- What to do with unused sick leave
- Life insurance and other benefits
Contact and learn more about Retiring from the University.
Leaving the University
- Getting you your final paycheck
- Leave Balances
- Benefits and Insurance
- Retirement Plans
- Unemployment
Contact and learn more about End of Employment Compensation and Benefits.
Wraparound Resources
Basic Needs – food, shelter, utilities, health
Safety Needs – finances/income, domestic violence, accommodations,
Social Needs – supporting working parents, work-from-home habits, connection,
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – free, confidential service that provides short-term counseling services; family problems, substance abuse, stress/anxiety, legal concerns, finances, depression, grief, career, grief, anger, abuse and more